I’m sure you’re wondering how long your asphalt paving will last. You’ve probably heard it’s not as durable as concrete, but what does that mean? Is your asphalt driveway going to crack and crumble after a few months? Or can it endure for decades under the pressure of traffic?

Asphalt is one of the most common materials on our roads today. It’s used in everything from parking lots to driveways—but how long does it last? And what are some ways we can make our asphalt last longer? In this article, we’ll explore those questions and more:

The difference between asphalt and concrete

One important thing to understand is that asphalt and concrete are different materials. Asphalt is a polymer comprising many molecules (polymers) connected. Concrete is a composite material made from aggregates (gravel, sand or other small pieces of rock), water and cement. The result is that concrete has more strength than asphalt because of its chemical bonds—it holds together better as well.

Concrete may be stronger than asphalt, but it’s also less flexible and, therefore, can crack in extreme temperatures or weather conditions like freezing cold winters or sweltering summers. Asphalt does not crack easily due to its flexibility and elasticity. It is also thickly applied on top of the subgrade (the surface underneath your driveway). It won’t need replacement nearly as often as concrete over time when compared side by side under similar conditions.”

How long does asphalt paving last?

How long does asphalt paving last? Asphalt pavement is a product that will provide lasting benefits, but it needs to be properly maintained and repaired when necessary. Pavement can last anywhere from 5 to 25 years, depending on traffic volume and climate factors.

Cities that tend to have very hot summers can cause asphalt roads to crack faster than they would in other regions. Additionally, areas that see more rain during a particular season have plenty of opportunity for water damage on their roads.

Urban areas with higher traffic volumes tend to have a better lifespan than rural regions. They receive more maintenance attention from city officials and residents, who may spot problems sooner than someone living farther away from town might notice them.

Can asphalt paving be repaired?

Repairs are done by patching and overlaying. Patching is done by removing the damaged area, filling it with asphalt and compacting it. Overlaying is done by removing the damaged area, filling it with asphalt and compacting it.

Why is my asphalt cracked?

If you have cracks in your asphalt, it could be due to several factors. Cracks can form if the asphalt is not properly installed or the temperature changes dramatically over time. Asphalt is very susceptible to these fluctuations, and while they may seem insignificant at first, they can lead to more severe issues later.

  • Temperature: When temperatures drop below freezing, water will begin to freeze within the cracks of your asphalt driveway or parking lot. This expansion and contraction cause damage, eventually leading to cracks that get bigger over time due to the constant pressure and movement of vehicles on top of them.
  • Traffic: The weight from heavy vehicles passing over an area with no moisture barrier for protection can cause damage if there are any small cracks in your previous layer(s) of paving material (such as tar or concrete). As these tiny fissures accumulate over time, they become larger until finally causing major structural problems such as heaving where one side begins lifting off from its base layer, ultimately cracking along those same lines again.* Moisture: Even though we use sealants like hot mix asphalt sealer before laying down our initial coatings – it’s easy for moisture trapped underneath these layers (especially during rainy months) – which causes premature deterioration; including potholes & erosion around edges due.