There are many things that you can do to improve the curb appeal of your home. Curb appeal is essential if you are considering selling your home. It is the first thing that potential buyers see and first impressions are key in establishing how they feel about your property. A well-maintained yard and garden are part of the picture, as is the facade of your home and any fencing surrounding your property.

One key piece that many people leave out, though, is their driveway and walkway. If these are not well maintained and are looking rough, then your curb appeal plummets. Here are four things that you can do to your driveway and walkway to boost the curb appeal of your home. All of which puts you in a better position to sell, getting you more money and a better turn around time.

Redo Your Driveway

Even if your driveway is still in reasonably good condition, a fresh newly paved driveway is a great way to show off your property. It makes your property look nicer while also letting potential buyers know that they will not have to resurface, repave, fix, or seal the driveway for a long period of time. A freshly laid driveway also adds value to your home outside of curb appeal. It is an asset that you have added to your home as it will serve a purpose on top of being an attractive addition.

Paved Patios

Having an outdoor patio in front of your home is a great asset that you can add to your house. You can enjoy it in the warm months, and it is a great way to say hello to all of your neighbours. Creating a small seating space out front will be attractive to potential buyers as well. It is also a unique element that you can add to your home, as many people do not have a patio at the front of their house. It will make your house stand out positively in comparison to other houses on the street, and in comparison to other houses that potential buyers have seen.

Retaining Walls

Having a paved retaining wall between the driveway and your yard and garden is a great way to keep everything separated visually as well as protect them from one another. If there is excessive rain, than dirt from your yard may be washed out onto your paved walkway and driveway. While this will not damage it, it does leave you with a large mess to clean up.


A paved walkway not only looks great but also gives guests easier access to your home. This will not be lost on potential buyers who will be looking for how well your property not only looks but how well it will serve them when they take ownership.

Paving your driveway and walkway adds undeniable curb appeal to your home. With additional curb appeal, your home will be on the market for a shorter period and you, will be able to sell it at a higher price. No matter what paving styles you are after our paving company, West York Paving, is the right option for your driveway repair and remodeling needs.